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Nearly caught while I get a BJ in the bathroom
4 ay önce
Selam, Nigel. İçeri gel.
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Evet, sorun değil. Endişelenme.
I love women who sit on the toilet while they're sucking a cock. Managed to get my GF to do it after I've just been in there having a crap. Very horny, her sitting on the seat that's still warm from having my arse resting on it for 10 minutes. She even gave me a blowjob sat on the loo in a really plush hotel bedroom once, straight after I'd had a very messy crap and left the loo absolutely splattered with shit. Sure we've all been there ,one of those times when you actually feel sorry for the chamber-maid who has to come in and clean that toilet afterwards. I was convinced once my GF saw the state I'd left the loo in she'd change her mind, but quite the opposite happened in fact. She burst out laughing and said "Glad you didn't do that at home , OMG the poor cow who has to clean our toilet later", then sat herself down on the warm seat, gave my cock one of the best suckings it's ever had and didn't spit it down the sink either. Every drop went down her throat